Ammaniti M., Cimino S., Lucarelli
L., Speranza A.M., Vismara L. (2004) Anoressia infantile e relazione
bambino-caregiver: studio clinico-empirico sui modelli di attaccamento Funzione
Gamma, rivista telematica scientifica dell'Università "Sapienza" di
Roma, registrata presso il Tribunale Civile di Roma (n. 426 del 28/10/2004) –
Anderson AE., Di Domenico L. (1992) Diet versus shape content of popular male and female Magazines: a dose response relationship to the incidence of eating disorders?. Int. J. Eat. Disord 11, 283-287.
Anderson SE., Gooze R.A., Lemeshow S., Whitaker R.C. (2012) Quality of early maternal-child relationship and risk of adolescent obesity. Pediatrics 129-132 originally publisched online Dicember 26, 2011.
Anderson S.E., Whitaker R. C.(2011) Attachments security and obesity in Us preschool-aged children Arch. Pediatr. Adolesc. Med. 165(3): 235-242
Armsden C.G., Greenberg M.T., (1987) The inventory of parent and peer attachment: individual differences and their relationship to psychological well-being in adolescence. Juornal of Youth and Adolescence 16, 427-454
Beck A.T. (1967) Depression: Causes and Treatment. University of Pensylvania Press, Philadelphia.
Bem S.L. (1974) The measurement of psychological androgyny. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psycholog 42, 155-162
Bem S.L. (1977) On validity of alternative procedures for assessing psychological androgyny. Juornal of Personality and Sociological Psychology 42, 155-162
Bonne O., Lahat S., Kfir R., Berry E., Katz M., Bachar E. (2003) Parent- daughter discrepancies in perception of family function in bulimia nervosa. Psychiatry 66(3), 244-254
Brems C., Johnson M.E., (1990) Reexamination of the Bem Sex Role Inventory: the interpersonal BSRI. Juornal of Personality Assessment 55, 484-498.
Bulik C.M., Hebebrand J., Keski-Rahkonen A., Klump K.L., Reichborn-Kjennerud T., Mazzeo S.E., Wade T.D. (2007) Genetic epidemiology, engophenotypes and eating disorders classification. Int. J. Eat. Disord 40, S52-S60.
Calabrese F, Molteni R, Racagni G, Riva MA. Neuronal plasticity: a link between stress and mood disorders. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2009;34(suppl 1):S208- S216.
Calkins SD, Leerkes EM. (2011) Early attachment processes and the development of emotional Self-Regulation: Handbook of Self-Regulation: Research, Theory, and Applications. Second Edition. New York, NY: Guilford Press 355-373.
Candelori C., Ciocca A. ( 1998) Psychotherapeutic issue in eating disorders: Models, methods and results. Roma: Società Editrice Universo, pp 139-153
Caravanna D., Delogu A.M., Zavattini G.C. (2012) La prospettiva dell’attaccamento nei disturbi del comportamento alimentare Psicologia Clinica dello sviluppo a XVI, n°1, aprile
Chassler L. (1997) Understanding anorexia and bulimia nervosa from an attachment perspective. Clinical Social Work Journal 25, 407-423
Ciampa P.J., Kumar D., Barkin S.L. (2010) Interventions aimed at decreasing obesity in children younger than 2 years: a systematic review. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med.;164 (12):1098–1104
Cooper P.J., Taylor M.J., Cooper Z., Fairburn G.C. (1987) The development and validation of the Body Shape Questionnaire Int. J. Eat. Disord 6, 485-494
Cunha A.I., Relvas A.P., Soares I. (2009) Anorexia nervosa and relationships: perceived family functioning, coping strategies, biliefs and attachments to parents and peers Int J of Clin and Health Psych 9, 229-240
Cuzzolaro M. ( 1993) Epidemiology of eating disorders In Ferrari E., Brambilla F., Solerte S.B. Primary an secondary eating dirsoders. A psychoneurpendocrine and metabolic approach. Oxford: Pergamon Press, pp 105-112
Cuzzolaro M., Eligi A., Ferruccci G., Ficorilli Q., Picuti P.Gruppo di ricerca DISSTMI-AUSL Rieti, Santomassimo C., Trincia V., (2008) Prevenire i disturbi dell’alimentazione in adolescenza un’impresa impossibile? Infanzia e Adolescenza 2, 65-76
Dalle Grave R., Sartirana M., Camporese L, Marchi I., Calugi S. Terapia cognitivo comportamentale Multi-step per i disturbi dell’alimentazione: basi teoriche e aspetti pratici Cognitivismo Clinico (2007) 4,1, 54-71
Dallman M.F., Pecoraro N., Akana S.F. (2003) Chronic stress and obesity: a new view of “comfort food.” Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.;100(20):11696-11701.
Fabbro N., Armatura C., Campostrini V., Lecchi S., Piccardi M. (2010) Stili di attaccamento e relazioni interpersonali in un campione femminile con disturbi alimentari Cognitivismo Clinico 7, 1, 36-61
Fairburn CG, Cooper Z, Shafran R (2003). Cognitive behaviour therapy for eating disorders: a “transdiagnostic” theory and treatment. Behavior Reserch and Therapy 41, (5), 509-528
Fenny J.A., Noller P., Hanrahan M., (1994) Assessing adult attachment In Sperling M.B. e Berman W.H. (a cura di ) Atttachment in adults: clinical and developmental perspectives. New York: Giuldorf Press pp.128- 154
Flynn M.A.T., McNeil D.A., Maloff B. (2006) Reducing obesity and related chronic disease risk in children and youth: a synth a synthesis ofevidence with ‘best practice’ recommendations.
Obes Rev.;7(suppl 1):7
Garner D. M. (1985) Eating Disorders Inventory two. Organizzazioni Speciali, Firenze
Garner D.M., Garfinkel P.E.(1982) Anorexia nervosa: a multidimensional perspective. Brunner-Mazzel New York.
George C., Kaplan N., Main M. (1985) An Adult Attachment Interview: Interview protocol. Manoscritto non pubblicato. Berkeley University of California
Gobbi F., Monti F. Disturbi alimentari e ruolo di genere Ricerche di psicologia n°1 vol.29 2006
Gordon R. (1991) Anoressia e bulimia: anatomia di una epidemia sociale. Cortina, Milano.
Hesse E. (2008), L’Adult Attachment Interview. In Cassidy J., Shaver P.R., (a cura di ), Manuale dell’attaccamento. Roma Fioriti, 2010, pp 637-690
Hoek H. W.(2002) The distribution of eating disorders. In Fairburn C.G., Brownell K.D.,(a cura di), Eating disorders and obesity: a comprehensive handbook. New York: Giulford Press, 233-237
Kenny M., Hart K., (1992) Relationship between parental attachment and eating disorders in an inpatients and a college sample. Journal of Counselling Psychology 39 521-526
Gualtieri L., Agostini S. (2005) La Reverse anorexia: una sindrome maschile di DCA Quaderni apc 12(4): 143-144
Lancelot C., Kaslow N.J.(1994) Sex role orientation and disorders eating in women: a review Clinical Psychology Review 14, 139-157
Laporte L., Marcoux V., Guttman H.A., (2001) Carateristics of families of women with restricting anorexia nervosa compared with families of normal probands. Enchephale 27 (2) 109-119
Lucas A. R., Crowson C. S., O’Fallon W.M., Melton L.J.(1999)The ups and downs of anorexia nervosa Int. J. Eat. Disord 26: 397-405
Main M., Hesse E., Goldwyn R.(2008) Studiare le differenze nello stile del linguaggio nel racconto della storia di attaccamento. Un’introduzione all’AAI In Steele H., Steele M., (a cura di ), Adult Attachment Interview. Applicazioni cliniche. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2010 pp 57-102
Maraňon I., Echeburua E., Grijalvo J. (2004) Prevalence of personality disorders in patients with eating disorders: a pilot studing using the IPDE. European eating disorders review, 12 217-222
McEwen B.S. (2008) Understanding the potency of stressful early life experiences on brain and body function. Metabolism.57(suppl 2):S11-S15.
Meadow R.W., Weiss L. (1995) Sesso e cibo: conflitti femminili nella sessualità e nell’alimentazione. Positive Press, Verona
Minichin S., Rosman B.L., Baker L.(1980). Famiglie psicosomatiche l’anoressia mentale nel contesto familiare. Roma: Astrolabio.
Munno D., Sterpone S.C.M., Zullo G. (2005) L’anoressia nervosa maschile. Una review. Giorn Ital psicopat 11, 215-224
Murnen S.K., Smolak L. (1997) Feminity, masculinity, and disordered eating: a meta-analytic review. Int. J. Eat. Disord 22, 231-242.
O’Brein K.M., Vincent N.K.(2003) Psychiatric comorbidity in anorexia e bulimia nervosa: Nature prevalence and causal relationship. Clincal Psychology Review 23, 57-74
Palmer B., Oppernheimer R., Marshall P., (1988) Eating-disordered patients remember their parents: a study using the parental bonding instrument. Int. J. Eat. Disord7, 101-106
Pawluck D. E., Gorey K.M., Secular trends in the incidence of anorexia nervosa. Integrative review of population-based studies. Int. J. Eat. Disord 1998; 23: 347-52
Schore AN. (2001) Effects of a secure attachment relationship on right brain development, affect regulation, and infant mental health. Infant Ment Health J. 22(1–2):7–66
Selvini Palazzoli M., Cirillo S., Selvini M., Sorrentino A. M. (1988) I giochi psicotici nella famiglia. Milano: Raffaelo Cortina.
Selvini Palazzoli M., Cirillo S., Selvini M., Sorrentino A. M. (1998) Ragazze anoressiche e bulimiche La terapia familiare. Milano: Raffaelo Cortina.
Silverman E. (2004) In: King B. Social Antropology Cambrige 2, 105-207
Sroufe LA. 2005Attachment and development: a prospective, longitudinal study from birth to adulthood. Attach Hum Dev.7(4) 349-367.
Swanson H., Power K., Collin P., Deas S., Paterson G., Grierson D., Yellowlees A., Taylor L. (2010) The relationship between parental bonding, social problem solving and eating pathology in an anorexic inpatient sample. European Eating Disorders Review 18, 22-32
Tasca G.A., Taylor D., Bissada H., Ritchie K., Balfour L. (2004) Attachment predicts treatment completion in an eating disorders partial hospital program among women in anorexia nervosa Journal of Personality Assessment 83, 201-212
Troisi A., D’Argenio A., Peracchio F., Petti P. (2001) Insicure attachment and alexithymia in young men with mood symptoms. Juornal of Nervous and Mental Disorders. 189, 311-316
Troisi A., Di Lorenzo G., Alcini S., Croce Nanni R., Di Pasquale C., Siracusano A. (2006) Body dissatisfaction in women with eating disorders: relationship to early separation anxiety and insecure attachment. Psychosomatic Medicine 68, 449–453
Troisi A., Massaroni P., Cuzzolaro M. (2005) Early separation anxiety and adult attachment style in women with eating disorders British Journal of Clinical Psychology 44, 89-97
Vgontzas A.N., Bixler E.O., Chrousos G.P. (2006) Obesity-related sleepiness and fatigue: the role of the stress system and cytokines. Ann N Y Acad Sci.1083, 329-344.
Ward A., Ramsay R, Treasure J. (2000).Attachment research in eating disorders British Juornal of Medical Psychology 73, 35-51
Warne JP. (2009) Shaping the stress response: interplay of palatable food choices, glucocorticoids, insulin and abdominal obesity. Mol Cell Endocrinol.;300 (1-2):137-146.
Waters S.F., Virmani E.A., Thompson R.A. Meyer S., Raikes H.A., Jochem R. (2010) Emotion regulation and attachment: unpacking two constructs and their association. J Psychopathol Behav Assess.;32(1):37–47
Whitlock E.P., O’Connor E.A., Williams S.B., Beil T.L., Lutz K.W. (2010) Effectiveness of weight management interventions in children: a targeted ystematic review for the USPSTF.
Anderson AE., Di Domenico L. (1992) Diet versus shape content of popular male and female Magazines: a dose response relationship to the incidence of eating disorders?. Int. J. Eat. Disord 11, 283-287.
Anderson SE., Gooze R.A., Lemeshow S., Whitaker R.C. (2012) Quality of early maternal-child relationship and risk of adolescent obesity. Pediatrics 129-132 originally publisched online Dicember 26, 2011.
Anderson S.E., Whitaker R. C.(2011) Attachments security and obesity in Us preschool-aged children Arch. Pediatr. Adolesc. Med. 165(3): 235-242
Armsden C.G., Greenberg M.T., (1987) The inventory of parent and peer attachment: individual differences and their relationship to psychological well-being in adolescence. Juornal of Youth and Adolescence 16, 427-454
Beck A.T. (1967) Depression: Causes and Treatment. University of Pensylvania Press, Philadelphia.
Bem S.L. (1974) The measurement of psychological androgyny. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psycholog 42, 155-162
Bem S.L. (1977) On validity of alternative procedures for assessing psychological androgyny. Juornal of Personality and Sociological Psychology 42, 155-162
Bonne O., Lahat S., Kfir R., Berry E., Katz M., Bachar E. (2003) Parent- daughter discrepancies in perception of family function in bulimia nervosa. Psychiatry 66(3), 244-254
Brems C., Johnson M.E., (1990) Reexamination of the Bem Sex Role Inventory: the interpersonal BSRI. Juornal of Personality Assessment 55, 484-498.
Bulik C.M., Hebebrand J., Keski-Rahkonen A., Klump K.L., Reichborn-Kjennerud T., Mazzeo S.E., Wade T.D. (2007) Genetic epidemiology, engophenotypes and eating disorders classification. Int. J. Eat. Disord 40, S52-S60.
Calabrese F, Molteni R, Racagni G, Riva MA. Neuronal plasticity: a link between stress and mood disorders. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2009;34(suppl 1):S208- S216.
Calkins SD, Leerkes EM. (2011) Early attachment processes and the development of emotional Self-Regulation: Handbook of Self-Regulation: Research, Theory, and Applications. Second Edition. New York, NY: Guilford Press 355-373.
Candelori C., Ciocca A. ( 1998) Psychotherapeutic issue in eating disorders: Models, methods and results. Roma: Società Editrice Universo, pp 139-153
Caravanna D., Delogu A.M., Zavattini G.C. (2012) La prospettiva dell’attaccamento nei disturbi del comportamento alimentare Psicologia Clinica dello sviluppo a XVI, n°1, aprile
Chassler L. (1997) Understanding anorexia and bulimia nervosa from an attachment perspective. Clinical Social Work Journal 25, 407-423
Ciampa P.J., Kumar D., Barkin S.L. (2010) Interventions aimed at decreasing obesity in children younger than 2 years: a systematic review. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med.;164 (12):1098–1104
Cooper P.J., Taylor M.J., Cooper Z., Fairburn G.C. (1987) The development and validation of the Body Shape Questionnaire Int. J. Eat. Disord 6, 485-494
Cunha A.I., Relvas A.P., Soares I. (2009) Anorexia nervosa and relationships: perceived family functioning, coping strategies, biliefs and attachments to parents and peers Int J of Clin and Health Psych 9, 229-240
Cuzzolaro M. ( 1993) Epidemiology of eating disorders In Ferrari E., Brambilla F., Solerte S.B. Primary an secondary eating dirsoders. A psychoneurpendocrine and metabolic approach. Oxford: Pergamon Press, pp 105-112
Cuzzolaro M., Eligi A., Ferruccci G., Ficorilli Q., Picuti P.Gruppo di ricerca DISSTMI-AUSL Rieti, Santomassimo C., Trincia V., (2008) Prevenire i disturbi dell’alimentazione in adolescenza un’impresa impossibile? Infanzia e Adolescenza 2, 65-76
Dalle Grave R., Sartirana M., Camporese L, Marchi I., Calugi S. Terapia cognitivo comportamentale Multi-step per i disturbi dell’alimentazione: basi teoriche e aspetti pratici Cognitivismo Clinico (2007) 4,1, 54-71
Dallman M.F., Pecoraro N., Akana S.F. (2003) Chronic stress and obesity: a new view of “comfort food.” Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.;100(20):11696-11701.
Fabbro N., Armatura C., Campostrini V., Lecchi S., Piccardi M. (2010) Stili di attaccamento e relazioni interpersonali in un campione femminile con disturbi alimentari Cognitivismo Clinico 7, 1, 36-61
Fairburn CG, Cooper Z, Shafran R (2003). Cognitive behaviour therapy for eating disorders: a “transdiagnostic” theory and treatment. Behavior Reserch and Therapy 41, (5), 509-528
Fenny J.A., Noller P., Hanrahan M., (1994) Assessing adult attachment In Sperling M.B. e Berman W.H. (a cura di ) Atttachment in adults: clinical and developmental perspectives. New York: Giuldorf Press pp.128- 154
Flynn M.A.T., McNeil D.A., Maloff B. (2006) Reducing obesity and related chronic disease risk in children and youth: a synth a synthesis ofevidence with ‘best practice’ recommendations.
Obes Rev.;7(suppl 1):7
Garner D. M. (1985) Eating Disorders Inventory two. Organizzazioni Speciali, Firenze
Garner D.M., Garfinkel P.E.(1982) Anorexia nervosa: a multidimensional perspective. Brunner-Mazzel New York.
George C., Kaplan N., Main M. (1985) An Adult Attachment Interview: Interview protocol. Manoscritto non pubblicato. Berkeley University of California
Gobbi F., Monti F. Disturbi alimentari e ruolo di genere Ricerche di psicologia n°1 vol.29 2006
Gordon R. (1991) Anoressia e bulimia: anatomia di una epidemia sociale. Cortina, Milano.
Hesse E. (2008), L’Adult Attachment Interview. In Cassidy J., Shaver P.R., (a cura di ), Manuale dell’attaccamento. Roma Fioriti, 2010, pp 637-690
Hoek H. W.(2002) The distribution of eating disorders. In Fairburn C.G., Brownell K.D.,(a cura di), Eating disorders and obesity: a comprehensive handbook. New York: Giulford Press, 233-237
Kenny M., Hart K., (1992) Relationship between parental attachment and eating disorders in an inpatients and a college sample. Journal of Counselling Psychology 39 521-526
Gualtieri L., Agostini S. (2005) La Reverse anorexia: una sindrome maschile di DCA Quaderni apc 12(4): 143-144
Lancelot C., Kaslow N.J.(1994) Sex role orientation and disorders eating in women: a review Clinical Psychology Review 14, 139-157
Laporte L., Marcoux V., Guttman H.A., (2001) Carateristics of families of women with restricting anorexia nervosa compared with families of normal probands. Enchephale 27 (2) 109-119
Lucas A. R., Crowson C. S., O’Fallon W.M., Melton L.J.(1999)The ups and downs of anorexia nervosa Int. J. Eat. Disord 26: 397-405
Main M., Hesse E., Goldwyn R.(2008) Studiare le differenze nello stile del linguaggio nel racconto della storia di attaccamento. Un’introduzione all’AAI In Steele H., Steele M., (a cura di ), Adult Attachment Interview. Applicazioni cliniche. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2010 pp 57-102
Maraňon I., Echeburua E., Grijalvo J. (2004) Prevalence of personality disorders in patients with eating disorders: a pilot studing using the IPDE. European eating disorders review, 12 217-222
McEwen B.S. (2008) Understanding the potency of stressful early life experiences on brain and body function. Metabolism.57(suppl 2):S11-S15.
Meadow R.W., Weiss L. (1995) Sesso e cibo: conflitti femminili nella sessualità e nell’alimentazione. Positive Press, Verona
Minichin S., Rosman B.L., Baker L.(1980). Famiglie psicosomatiche l’anoressia mentale nel contesto familiare. Roma: Astrolabio.
Munno D., Sterpone S.C.M., Zullo G. (2005) L’anoressia nervosa maschile. Una review. Giorn Ital psicopat 11, 215-224
Murnen S.K., Smolak L. (1997) Feminity, masculinity, and disordered eating: a meta-analytic review. Int. J. Eat. Disord 22, 231-242.
O’Brein K.M., Vincent N.K.(2003) Psychiatric comorbidity in anorexia e bulimia nervosa: Nature prevalence and causal relationship. Clincal Psychology Review 23, 57-74
Palmer B., Oppernheimer R., Marshall P., (1988) Eating-disordered patients remember their parents: a study using the parental bonding instrument. Int. J. Eat. Disord7, 101-106
Pawluck D. E., Gorey K.M., Secular trends in the incidence of anorexia nervosa. Integrative review of population-based studies. Int. J. Eat. Disord 1998; 23: 347-52
Schore AN. (2001) Effects of a secure attachment relationship on right brain development, affect regulation, and infant mental health. Infant Ment Health J. 22(1–2):7–66
Selvini Palazzoli M., Cirillo S., Selvini M., Sorrentino A. M. (1988) I giochi psicotici nella famiglia. Milano: Raffaelo Cortina.
Selvini Palazzoli M., Cirillo S., Selvini M., Sorrentino A. M. (1998) Ragazze anoressiche e bulimiche La terapia familiare. Milano: Raffaelo Cortina.
Silverman E. (2004) In: King B. Social Antropology Cambrige 2, 105-207
Sroufe LA. 2005Attachment and development: a prospective, longitudinal study from birth to adulthood. Attach Hum Dev.7(4) 349-367.
Swanson H., Power K., Collin P., Deas S., Paterson G., Grierson D., Yellowlees A., Taylor L. (2010) The relationship between parental bonding, social problem solving and eating pathology in an anorexic inpatient sample. European Eating Disorders Review 18, 22-32
Tasca G.A., Taylor D., Bissada H., Ritchie K., Balfour L. (2004) Attachment predicts treatment completion in an eating disorders partial hospital program among women in anorexia nervosa Journal of Personality Assessment 83, 201-212
Troisi A., D’Argenio A., Peracchio F., Petti P. (2001) Insicure attachment and alexithymia in young men with mood symptoms. Juornal of Nervous and Mental Disorders. 189, 311-316
Troisi A., Di Lorenzo G., Alcini S., Croce Nanni R., Di Pasquale C., Siracusano A. (2006) Body dissatisfaction in women with eating disorders: relationship to early separation anxiety and insecure attachment. Psychosomatic Medicine 68, 449–453
Troisi A., Massaroni P., Cuzzolaro M. (2005) Early separation anxiety and adult attachment style in women with eating disorders British Journal of Clinical Psychology 44, 89-97
Vgontzas A.N., Bixler E.O., Chrousos G.P. (2006) Obesity-related sleepiness and fatigue: the role of the stress system and cytokines. Ann N Y Acad Sci.1083, 329-344.
Ward A., Ramsay R, Treasure J. (2000).Attachment research in eating disorders British Juornal of Medical Psychology 73, 35-51
Warne JP. (2009) Shaping the stress response: interplay of palatable food choices, glucocorticoids, insulin and abdominal obesity. Mol Cell Endocrinol.;300 (1-2):137-146.
Waters S.F., Virmani E.A., Thompson R.A. Meyer S., Raikes H.A., Jochem R. (2010) Emotion regulation and attachment: unpacking two constructs and their association. J Psychopathol Behav Assess.;32(1):37–47
Whitlock E.P., O’Connor E.A., Williams S.B., Beil T.L., Lutz K.W. (2010) Effectiveness of weight management interventions in children: a targeted ystematic review for the USPSTF.